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Why Making the Bed Every Day Will Transform Your Life
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Why Making the Bed Every Day Will Transform Your Life

Sleep & Wellness

Why Making the Bed Every Day Will Transform Your Life

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It’s the little things in life that make the biggest difference. Something as easy as making the bed every day can transform your life. 

As you roll out of bed every morning, do you make your bed? I know I didn’t when I was younger. I never made it a priority and I didn’t know how to make a bed. Now, I can’t imagine walking into my room without a made bed. Making the bed every day is part of my morning routine.

While making the bed every day doesn’t sound like it will have a large impact, there is a lot of evidence that it can. In fact, making the bed will transform your life in a positive manner. 

Here are 5 reasons why making the bed will transform your life. 

How to properly make a bed.


#1: Start with a win

Starting your day off by completing one task is a way to set yourself up for bigger accomplishments. Make the bed every day in the morning and feel the win. 

In a commencement speech, Navy Seal, William McRaven, says that making the bed can give you a small sense of pride in the morning. This can catapult you into making bigger and better achievements throughout the day. It was the best thing he learned while being in the Navy. Make the bed every day and notice how you become more confident and productive. 


#2: Sleep better

Evidence suggests that people who sleep in an organized and tidy room sleep better than those with messy rooms. 

Making the bed every day in the morning is an easy way to transition from night to day and make a tidy space. It leaves your mind in a clear headspace. 

When you return to your bedroom at the end of the night for sleep, you will feel more relaxed and at ease in a room that is organized. When you make the bed, you will sleep better


#3: You’ll be happier

There is a disciple to happiness. Gretchen Rubin argues in her book, “The Happiness Project,” that making the bed every day is a way to create a happier lifestyle. 

She found in her personal study that it is important to make your bed every day if you want to be happy. Happiness is something we choose, and making the bed is part of that choice. People who make the bed every day are happier than those who don’t make the bed every day. 


#4: It leads to productivity

A few years ago, I heard one of the best productivity hacks. Complete 5 simple tasks upon waking up. When you do this, you will become much more productive outside of the house and in your job. 

Wake up, make the bed, brush your teeth, open the window, put the coffee on, and do a morning stretch. These are the simple 5 tasks I complete upon waking up. Not only do I do these tasks every morning, but I do them well with intention. Things changed even more dramatically when I learned how to properly make a bed. This life hack has made me much more productive during the day at work. 


#5: Less stress

It is no surprise that a tidy room leads to lower feelings of stress. Your bed is where you spend about one-third of your day––and life. When you prioritize this space and make it a stress-free environment, you’ll feel calmer throughout the day. 

The best way to make your bedroom a stress-free environment is to make the bed properly every day. It is an easy way to naturally keep you calmer and less stressed. 

I love the feeling of making my bed every morning. By making the bed every day, I feel like I can be more productive by accomplishing an early win. I feel less stressed throughout the day and when I walk into my bedroom in the evening, I am so happy that I can walk into a tidy, beautiful room.


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