Spring is around the corner, with March 20th, 2025 marking the start of the Spring Equinox. This means warmer weather and more daylight at long last!
On the other hand, this also means the dreaded loss of an hour of sleep when we head into Daylight Saving Time (DST) on Sunday, March 9th.
When we spring forward and move our clocks up an hour, this can unfortunately have a negative impact on your sleep, health and overall wellbeing; especially in the first week or so.
Here are 5 quick tips for you to fully embrace daylight savings this spring:
1. Go to bed earlier
This may seem pretty obvious, but going to bed just a few minutes earlier every night leading up to the start of daylight savings can make a big difference. This is especially true for small children who feel the impacts of the time change even more than adults. That’s because you’re essentially easing your biological transition - aka your circadian rhythm - to the new time.

2. Be consistent with your sleep schedule
A consistent sleep schedule will help you feel more rested year-round. Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day is the single best way to improve sleep and wake functioning.
On the first day of daylight savings, make sure to get up at your regular time. Also try to avoid taking a nap if it’s not part of your typical routine as that can put your sleep schedule even more out of whack.
3. Enjoy the natural light
One of the most difficult things about the winter season is that there is a ton of darkness and shorter days. But the beautiful thing about spring and daylight savings is that there is lots more sun to enjoy and take advantage of during the day! Make sure you take full advantage of the natural light indoors by keeping your curtains open. Sunlight is so beneficial for your body and mind as it naturally resets your body clock, keeping you more alert and energized.

4. Exercise
Physical exercise is always the best antidote to anything and everything as it keeps your mind and body healthy. This is also true for when daylight savings rolls around, as physical activity helps you sleep better as well.
Try going for a nice walk or run outdoors during the day and soak in the natural sunlight. Make sure to avoid participating in vigorous exercise too close to bedtime as it makes it more difficult to wind down before bed, affecting your overall sleep quality.
5. Reduce screen time
As we all know by now, the blue light from your devices stimulates your brain and makes it harder to fall asleep. That’s why it’s crucial to avoid your phone, computer or other devices at night. In fact, it’s best to avoid them for at least an hour or two before bed so that it’s easier for you to wind down and fall asleep.
Polysleep Takeaway
When spring rolls around along with Daylight Saving Time (DST), you can refer to the 5 tips above to help make it easier for your mind and body to get accustomed to it. This includes going to bed earlier leading up to the time change, maintaining a consistent sleep schedule, enjoying the natural light during the daytime, exercising and reducing your screen time leading up towards bedtime.
Our hope is that by following our advice, you will enjoy the transition period and find it easier than ever to embrace the time change this spring!
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Happy Time Change! ⏰🌸