Have you ever tried doing a fall detox diet?
I think it's the secret to a healthy winter. Simple as that!
The beautiful season is coming to an end, Nature is beginning to change and we too are entering a transition phase.
As days are getting shorter, you feel a need to slow down and to stay more and more in your bed... Fall is the season when we enjoy letting ourselves be carried away, wrapping ourselves up, cooking comforting little meals again.
And on a physiological level, the needs change too, there is a whole adaptation process in preparation. This is why it can be interesting to accompany this metamorphosis by carrying out a cleansing.

The idea behind a fall detox diet is to create a good energy base to face the cold season by boosting your immune system, a vital element to fight viruses in all their forms, and to feel your energy renewed. It also allows the body to recharge its batteries, cleanse the organism from the excesses of summer, refocus and prepare for winter in complete serenity.
I therefore propose today a special fall transition treatment in the form of very simple detox rituals that you can implement in the upcoming weeks.⠀
Δ Fall detox tip #1
It is most important to boost your system with food. This is the key point of the detox diet, to obtain natural health! Take the opportunity to change your habits, one step at a time.
I advise you to eat as little processed food as possible, and therefore as fresh, lively, and seasonal as you can.
You can rely on vegetable juices that are remineralizing and alkalizing, real concentrates that have a cleansing and revitalizing effect at the same time. Remember that juices are the panacea for health! Ideally, you should aim for 2/3 vegetables for 1/3 fruit.
Consume a maximum of fermented foods that will nourish the good bacteria in your intestines, which we know today that our health is closely dependent on.

Drink a lot of water, and choose quality water. Focus also on herbal infusions that are generally very rich in minerals. Choose those that have anti-stress virtues such as lemon balm, St. John's wort, linden, chamomile, passionflower, hawthorn...
Use and reuse turmeric, ginger, and raw onion!
It is also the ideal time for an intermittent fast, or a mono diet of grapes for example (i.e. consume a single food - of plant origin - for at least 24 hours), or a cure of birch sap or activated vegetable carbon.
Always listen to yourself, gently, for your detox diet to be successful.
Δ Fall detox tip #2
Here are the natural boosters that will support the detox diet and help fight viruses. They have a preventive and curative effect at the same time:
- Manuka honey
- Spirulina
- Matcha
- Echinacea
- Maca
- Vitamin D3 (4000 Ui/day)
- Goji berries
- Acerola
- Colloidal silver
- Ginseng
- Zinc (gluconate or acetate)
- Fresh pollen
- Royal jelly
- And adaptogens such as chaga, shiitake, and reishi.
Let's not forget the probiotics that strengthen the digestive system. As I mentioned above, a balanced intestinal ecosystem means “GET OUT” to viruses and infections!
Δ Fall detox tip #3
Follow the rhythm of fall days that shorten, and lengthen your rest time. Try to go to bed 30 minutes or even 1 hour earlier than usual.
Be attentive to your needs, rest is also essential for an effective detox diet. Good sleep hygiene is simply a must.
Δ Fall detox tip #4
Move and breathe!
We can't say it often enough, but exercise is one of the pillars of health. Go with what feels good. Understand that your main goal is regularity!
Go outside to oxygenate your lungs while the temperatures are still bearable.
And try to sweat to better eliminate toxins from your body.
Δ Fall detox tip #5
Self care
Cocoon and let go!
Take care of yourself, slow down, put a stop to everything! Cut out the sources of stress, give your body and head a well-deserved rest.
Do you know about cardiac coherence? This technique allows you to deeply relax, but also to actively detoxify the body and tone up your lungs.
Meditate and get a massage!
Treat yourself with some special moments: a bath, a reading break with a treat to enjoy. Create, laugh, savor in awareness, and treat yourself!
Finally, take advantage of some time for yourself to practice introspection, an indispensable tool to get out of the autopilot mode.
Δ Fall detox tip #6
Essential oils
Here is a small list of essential oils that you should consider as your best friends this fall, but also this winter. They will allow you to strengthen your system and accompany the detox diet:
- Ravintsara: the oil par excellence that stimulates the immune system (preventive and curative: diffusion, inhalation, ingestion, or skin application).
- Eucalyptus Radiata: anti-cold (curative: diffusion, inhalation or cutaneous application)
- Oregano: magic for sore throat (1 drop in 1 tsp. of manuka honey to be swallowed if needed)
- Rosemary Verbenone: great ally to detox your liver (1 drop in 1 tsp. manuka honey twice a day for 8 days)
- Lemon: to detox your liver and protect it (1 drop in 1 tsp. manuka honey twice a day for 8 days)
- Peppermint: stimulates EVERYTHING, to be used regularly by diffusion, inhalation, ingestion, or skin application for an immediate boost.

Δ Fall detox tip #7
Daily hygiene
Think of the Scottish shower, an excellent immune system stimulant.
Practice dry brushing, nose cleaning with lota (pure warm water with 1 tsp of sea salt), and airing the house at least 10mn a day.
So are you ready to start this fall detox diet?