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11 Yoga postures for a better night's sleep
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11 Yoga postures for a better night's sleep


11 Yoga postures for a better night's sleep

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It’s no secret that sleep — and more importantly, quality sleep — plays a starring role in both our emotional well-being and overall health. And, when you’re having trouble falling or staying asleep, this can lead to an array of less-than-desirable effects. Think: Low energy, irritability or even physical manifestations of stress from lack of sleep. 

That’s the bad news. Now, for the good: Concentrate on those elements you can control to reset and recalibrate each evening. Chances are — whether you’re a night owl or morning person — that you could benefit from elevating your pre-bedtime routine. Easing into a peaceful night’s slumber can be bolstered by setting the right environment, calming the mind and prepping the physical body for rest. 

One idea to prep both the mind and body for sleep: Yoga. Go ahead, roll out your mat and cultivate a pre-sleep practice that helps calm the mind with mindful movements curated to relax the physical body. Pair this type of yoga practice with conscious breathing techniques, integrated along with articulated movement to create the calm, clear consciousness necessary to allow for a relaxed, reset state of subconsciousness leading into the sleeping hours ahead.  

Practicing certain yoga poses can help improve your PM routine (we already discussed one of those in our bed meditation article). Both your mind and body will thank you for heading into a good night’s rest feeling loose, limber, relaxed and calm. 

Bolster your bedtime routine with the following yoga poses. Namaste to having sweet dreams and a relaxed, restful night of sleep!


Yoga Posture #1 : Balasana (Child's Pose)

  • Start on the ground with knees bent and shins pressing into your mat.

  • Fold torso forward. You can add a pillow under your forehead if desired.

  • Arms can extend forward alongside your ears. 

  • Or, allow them to rest alongside the body, palms facing up for receptivity or palms facing down for a more grounding sensation.



Yoga Posture #2 : Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend)

  • Begin by standing with feet parallel, keeping legs as close together as possible.

  • Fold forward, hinging from hip flexors, as if you were to touch the forehead to your shins.

  • Press heels down, straightening the legs fully while pressing sit bones upward. Keep a slight bend in knees if they feel hyperextended.

  • Try to move your forehead to touch the shins.

  • In the rag doll variation, grab opposite elbows with hands and allow the torso to sway gently from side to side moving from the hips.




Yoga Posture #3 : Supta Virasana (Reclining Hero Pose)

  • Start by sitting on your shins. Place a bolster or pillow at the base of your tailbone. 

  • Separate ankles; use your hands to roll the calves outward and sit between them. 

  • If necessary, separate your knees as wide as hips. 

  • Lie back onto your bolster; use a blanket or cushion to support your head and neck.




Yoga Posture #4 : Supta Baddha Konasana (Reclining Bound Angle Pose)

  • Begin seated, placing a bolster or pillow below the base of the sacrum. 

  • Bend knees into a butterfly pose, placing the soles of your feet against one another. 

  • Lie back on an angle with the spine resting on the bolster or pillow. Support your head with a rolled-up blanket or additional cushion so that the head is above the heart. 

  • Allow the knees to open as wide apart as possible and relax fully into the props.

  • Note that there are different variations to this pose. 




Yoga Posture #5 : Malasana (Garland Pose)

  • Begin by standing with legs hip distance apart. Bend knees, lowering the body into a squat with toes angled to the outer edges of the mat. 

  • Moving from the hips, fold forward, placing hands on the mat (or on blocks) in between the knees. 

  • Gently tuck the chin in toward the chest, allowing the crown of your head to relax toward the mat while lengthening the cervical spine.




Yoga Posture #6 : Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Fold)

  • Sit with straight legs extended forward; you can place a block in front of the feet. 

  • Extend arms up, directly next to ears. 

  • Fold forward, hinging from the hips. Reach for the ankles, feet or the block for a deeper shoulder stretch.



Yoga Posture #7 : Supta Matsyendrasana  (Supine Spinal Twist)

  • Lie on the back, bending knees up in the air toward the chest. 

  • Place arms in a cactus shape around the ears, pressing the back of the shoulder blades and arms gently down into the mat. 

  • Drop bent knees to one side; rotate head and neck to the opposite shoulder if it desired.

  • Hold for several rounds of breath, then switch sides.



Yoga Posture #8 : Viparita Karani (Legs up the Wall)

  • Lie down on your side, placing the tailbone and glutes as close to the wall as possible. 

  • Flip to lie on your back, extending straight legs upward with the back of your legs supported by the wall. 

  • A rolled-up blanket can be placed on top of the feet and/or you can use a block or pillow on the low belly to create a deeper sensation of feeling grounded. 



Yoga Posture #9 : Uttitha Eka Pada Rajakapotasana (Half Leg Pigeon Pose)

  • Start either on hands and knees or in downward dog. Bend and bring one knee forward placing shin on the ground on a diagonal angle. You can place a block or pillow under your hip for extra support in order to help you release deeper into the stretch. 

  • Extend through your elongated back leg to deepen the stretch in the hamstrings. 

  • Gently walk your hands forward.  Lower elbows to rest forearms on the mat. 

  • Switch sides to repeat on the opposite hip. 




Yoga Posture #10 : Utthan Pristhasana (Lizard Pose)

  • Start on all fours, bringing thumbs to touch in the center of the mat

  • Bring one foot forward, placing it directly outside the corresponding hand and wrist.

  • Move the body forward to activate the stretch within the hip flexors.

  • Then, push the body back, lengthening and stretching the hamstrings.

  • Repeat on the opposite foot.



Yoga Posture #11 : Savasana (Corpse Pose)

  • Lie down on your back. Place a small cushion or rolled up blanket to support the neck and head if desired.

  • Allow your arms to rest along the sides of the body, palms facing up.

  • Legs are splayed as wide as is comfortable with the toes pointing outward and heels facing one another.

  • As your eyes close, consciously relax the muscles, beginning at the temples and moving down the face, softening the cheeks and jaw.

  •  Observe internally if there is anywhere you are holding on to muscle tension or clenching; relax and release.

  • Allow your breath to flow at its natural pace and rhythm.






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