We all deserve to be pampered. But what if you can’t afford to go to the spa right now? That’s where Polysleep comes in. We have some great tips to help you plan the perfect DIY spa day.
What’s a DIY spa day?
A DIY (Do It Yourself) spa day is where you treat yourself to spa treatments right in the comfort of your own home. Not only is it ultra relaxing; it’s budget-friendly and customizable based on your personal needs and preferences.
How can I get started?
Here are a few great ideas on how you can plan the perfect DIY spa day:
1. Plan ahead
First and foremost, you don’t want to rush a DIY spa day as the goal is to be as relaxed as possible. Make sure to plan ahead of time to make sure you have at least a few hours to enjoy the experience. You also want to make sure you have everything on hand and ready to go so that you’re not rushing at the very last minute.
Polysleep Tip: A great time to plan a DIY spa day is on a weekend; especially on a Sunday evening. That way, you can truly reset for the week ahead.
2. Start from a clean slate
Make sure your bathroom and bathtub is scrubbed beforehand. For one, as a general rule, you don’t ever want to hop into a dirty tub. Spas also look and feel so luxurious because of how sparkling clean they are. Having a clean bathroom and bathtub will make your spa experience that much more enjoyable.

3. Put on soft, relaxing music
One of the things that makes spas such a calming oasis is their Zen music. You can easily recreate that feeling right at home by putting on some soft, relaxing spa music. You can choose a spa playlist that incorporates nature sounds, instrumental music or classical music. The most important thing is that you enjoy the music and that it puts your mind at ease.
Polysleep Tip: Make sure to choose an extra-long spa playlist - either on YouTube or on Spotify or another streaming service - so that you don’t need to worry about getting up and restarting the music.
4. Take a luxurious, spa-like bath
Nothing says true R&R (rest and relaxation) like a warm, luxurious spa-like bath! It’s like taking your regular, everyday bath - but bringing it up a few notches! What does this involve? Only a few simple steps:
- After giving your bath a deep cleaning (peep Polysleep Tip #2) fill your tub with nice, warm water. Then, light a few scented candles and dim the lights. If you don’t like candles, you can try battery-operated ones or use incense, wax melts or oil diffusers.
- For a quick and simple bath soak, you can fill your tub with warm water and add 1 can of coconut milk, 1 tablespoon of almond oil, and 20 drops of your favorite essential oil. Another option is add in some epsom salts to your bath, which helps soften your skin, ease pain and relieve inflammation.
- Finally, apply body butter when you’re out of your bath to leave your skin feeling silky smooth!

5. Have hot, clean towels
Continue the spa-like experience by popping your towels - and bathrobe if you wish - in the dryer for a few minutes. You could also leave them out in the hot sun for a few hours. Make sure to have them nearby where it’s easy to grab so that you stay nice and toasty when you get out of the tub!
6. Have some food and refreshments
Nothing says treating yourself to an at-home spa day like having some nice refreshments and delicious snacks on hand. Some ideas include herbal tea, lemon-water, cucumber-water and champagne, which are commonly served in spas. You can also put out some nice chocolates, nuts and slices of fruit.
7. Finish off with a nice facemask
Complete your at home spa day with a nice, refreshing facemask. Facemasks are commonly used for hydrating and moisturizing your skin, removing excess oils, pulling out impurities and improving the appearance of your pores. Depending on your skin type, you can use a facial mask once a week or up to three times a week. Make sure to carefully follow the instructions as directions vary based on which facemask you’re using.
Polysleep Tip: The best time to use masks and lotions is right after a hot bath or shower as the steam helps open up your pores.
How often should you plan a DIY spa day?
You should plan your DIY spa day as often as you like or feel is necessary. Perhaps once a month is sufficient enough for you, or once every week. The more you engage in implementing a regular self-care routine - such as a DIY spa day - the better you’ll ultimately feel and want to recreate the calming, relaxing experience.
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