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10 Simple Self-Love Tips to Embrace on Valentine’s Day
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10 Simple Self-Love Tips to Embrace on Valentine’s Day

Sleep & Wellness

10 Simple Self-Love Tips to Embrace on Valentine’s Day

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Valentine’s Day is here and there’s no better time than the present to give yourself that self-love you absolutely deserve. Treat yourself to a day of relaxation, self-care and joy!

This blog applies to you regardless of your current situation - partner, no partner or anything in between… because everyone deserves some extra love.

Without further adieu, here are 10 self-love tips for Valentine’s Day:

1. Reconnect with yourself

Take time to dive deep into yourself, and reconnect with your pure essence. Reconnecting with yourself looks and feels different for everyone. For you it could mean quiet moments alone in reflection through meditation or journaling. It could also mean moving your body and going for a nice walk in nature or run in the park. Do what makes you feel more deeply connected with yourself.

2. Pamper yourself

Take time to really treat yourself. Draw a nice warm bath, put on relaxing music and make a nice day of it! Put on a lovely facemask, do a mani-pedi, have some fresh cucumber water, you name it. For more tips on how to pamper yourself to the max with an at home spa treatment, read this Polysleep blog piece, How to Plan the Perfect DIY Spa Day.

3. Nurture yourself

Put some more love into yourself and really nurture yourself. A really great way to nurture your heart, body and soul is through a yoga exercise. If you’re new to yoga, there are a few helpful guides you can follow online. Here is Polysleep’s Ultimate Guide to Hot Yoga - which is perfect around this time of year. Once you’re more practiced and weather permitting, here is Polysleep’s guide to How to Practice Outdoor Yoga like a Pro.

4. Honour yourself

Put yourself and your needs first today - which you should always do. Ask yourself what you truly need right now and honour that need. If you need rest, make sure you go to bed early tonight. A good night’s sleep can be the ultimate form of self-care, so why not check out a Polysleep mattress to enhance your rest? Today is the ultimate day to honour your needs.

5. Be kind to yourself

Remember, you are your best friend! Give yourself words of affirmation. Look in the mirror and say nice things to yourself. Be kind to yourself! Your words matter and they should reflect positive things that are going to bring out the best in you today and always.

6. Treat yourself

Go for an extra special treat today! Have your favourite candy bar or Starbucks latte. Stop by your go-to Greek food place or head to your tai chi class. Treat yourself to something special today, and make sure to tell yourself that you absolutely deserve this special treatment!

7. Beautify yourself

Do something that makes yourself feel beautiful on the inside and out today! Do a skin or hair care treatment. Put on that makeup you wear only on special occasions. Beautify yourself, girlie!

8. Heal yourself

Take time to work on you today. Whatever you’ve been holding onto, let go of. Whatever you’ve been harboring, release. Work on whatever is bugging you by journaling or phoning a friend. Do what you need to do to alleviate any pain you may be hanging onto. There is no better time than the present to do that important healing work.

9. Forgive yourself

We all have things that we feel regretful or remorseful of. Take time to forgive yourself for those things. Let go of anything that doesn't serve you in the present. You can try writing it out and then crumpling up the paper - or ripping it - and telling yourself that it’s over now, you don’t need to hold onto it any longer. It’s time to forgive yourself!

10. Celebrate yourself

Take time to really celebrate you and all your amazing accomplishments! You are truly so incredible and you’ve done so much over the past year and have so much coming up in your future. Celebrate it! Recognize it! Shout it off the rooftops! You go girl.

Polysleep Takeaway

Those are 10 self love tips for Valentine’s Day. Remember, these are merely suggestions. The hope is that you are inspired by these and do what makes you feel loved and and happiest!

Polysleep Wedge Pillow

By the way, if you’re looking to spice things up this Valentine’s Day, might I suggest you read this Polysleep blog article, How to Use a Wedge Pillow for Sex? The wedge pillow is a great addition to your home and can definitely add some more pleasure and fun to the bedroom!

Polysleep Mattress

While you’re giving yourself some TLC (Tender Love and Care) make sure to treat yourself to a high-quality Polysleep mattress! Why not take the Mattress Quiz and discover which one is right for you today?

Happy Valentine’s Day, love the Polysleep team! Xo 💜


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